
We are a war focused clan.  This means upgrading troops that will help you 3 star in war, and focusing on defenses that will help prevent you from being 3 starred, not defenses that help protect you from farming attacks.

The route to helping the clan the most at TH10 is to maximize the increase in your attacking power while minimizing the difficulty in opposing bases that you bring in to war matchups.  This means being very careful and disciplined in adding new defenses.


  1. Upgrade War Troops, Spells, AQ & BK.
  2. Upgrade AD, Teslas, Sweeper, Traps, & Walls.
  3. Carefully upgrade troops and defenses to keep offense ahead of defense.


  1. Defensive buildings and troops add “weight” which results in getting harder opponents in clan match-ups.
  2. Upgrading only war troops, and low-weight defenses will allow you to “carry your weight”, 3-starring opponents that are at or above your weight.

First things first. Be ready to start with all of these immediately when you get to th10.

  1. Research lab (4M Elixir)
  2. Clan castle (7M Gold)
  3. Spell Factory (3.2M Elixir)

Priorities for elixir. Make sure that you have enough elixir to keep these things going.

  1. Lab, Spell factory
  2. Army camps
  3. Dark Barracks
  4. New DE Drill to 6

Priorities for gold. Make sure that you have enough gold to keep these things going.

  1. Clan castle
  2. Build all new traps and bombs (0 time stuff: new giant bomb, and new air bombs)

Priorities for DE

  1. Heroes and Dark troops

Research order. There isn’t one correct order.  Additionally, the meta changes fast at TH10.  Upgrade what you use in your war attacks.  But these should probably be your highest priorities.  Note that this order prioritizes LaLoon and LaLoon hybrids, which are the most reliable attacks at TH10 currently.

  1. Lavahound to 3
  2. Freeze to 5
  3. Haste to 4 (or mix in with Freeze upgrades)
  4. Golem to 5
  5. Bowler to 2
  6. Jump to 3
  7. Baby Dragon to 4
  8. Valk to 5
  9. Lightning to 7
  10. Barbs/Archers to 7
  11. Hogs to 6
  12. Wallbreaker to 6
  13. Giant to 7
  14. Wizards to 7
  15. Dragons to 5
  16. Skellies to 2
  17. Poison to 4
  18. Skellies to 3
  19. Pekka, Miners, Clone, EQ (none are very useful currently)


Upgrade to max as fast as you want. This stuff carries either no war weight, or has high benefits relative to its weight.  These things should be your highest priorities.

  1. Anything related to resources (all storages, mines, pumps, drills)
  2. Bombs and traps (including air bombs, air mines, giant bombs, skeleton traps, small bombs, and springs).
  3. Any elixir upgrades (army camps, dark barracks, barracks, etc)
  4. Air defenses, air sweeper, teslas.
  5. Walls

Add slowly. And before you add any, you should have maxed troops for your most common attacks, and be 3 starring mid TH10s when you start this list, and high TH10s (at least occasionally) as you near the end.  This stuff will start adding to your war weight, but has benefits as well. Try to pace yourself through this list.

  1. New archer tower to th9 max level (11)
  2. New cannon to th9 max level (11)
  3. New xbow to th9 max level (3)
  4. New bomb tower to th9 max level (3)
  5. Infernos to level 1 (or a little later, depending on your heroes)
  6. Archer Towers (7) to 12,13
  7. Cannons (6) to 12,13
  8. Wizard Towers (4) to 9
  9. Mortars (4) to 8
  10. Bomb tower to 4

Upgrade very slowly. Inferno levels are the main driver of your weight at th10.  You should consider and pace every upgrade of your Infernos, because each upgrade increases your weight.

  1. Infernos to level 2
  2. Infernos to level 3

Balance and pacing. The war match algorithm currently punishes having your offense too far ahead of your defense.  So, while it’s important that you don’t add defenses too quickly, it’s important that you don’t add them too slowly, either.  Our current recommendation for what’s best for the clan is as follows:

  1. By the time you have 35/35 (or 30/40 depending on your path) heroes, you should have all 4 teslas and all 4 air defenses maxed, as well as adding the new defenses.
  2. Between 35/35 (or 30/40) heroes and 40/40 heroes, you should add your level 1 infernos.
  3. As you go, you should be looking at the weight of the bases you’re 3 starring.  If it’s significantly above your current weight, you should look to add some defensive weight.  If it’s not above your current weight, you should pause your defenses while working on offense, heroes, walls, bombs, and traps